World's best analytics unconference

Upcoming MeasureCamps

Bologna: 08th March
Helsinki: 29th March
Belgrade: 05th April
Colombo: 05th April


Session Board

MeasureCamp uses an unconference format and one important aspect of that is there is no prearranged schedule.  There are eight 30 min time slots with between four and ten rooms of varying sizes available. At the start of the day, after the introduction, the Session Board is declared open.

Anyone can then add a Session to the Session Board on any topic. Sessions can be presentations, discussions, workshops or even game shows. They can be highly technical in nature or very business focused. The intended audience may be for people just starting out in Digital Analytics or with years of experience. Even the language can be English or a local language.

Session Card


MeasureCamp is an inclusive event and tickets are available to anyone who wants to attend. These tickets are free and they will always be free. The only limitations are on the number of attendees from each company, there is a limit of 3 or 4 to ensure no one company dominates the list.

Competitors to sponsors, whether vendors or agencies, can attend and in fact, should never be excluded. It is requested that sales people and recruiters, if not a sponsor, do not attend and they cannot add to the knowledge being shared and are taking the ticket of a Digital Analytics practitioner who can.

Ticket releases are staggered to give everyone a fair chance of obtaining one. They do go very quickly though so people wanting to attend need to be prepared.


Selling and sales talk is frowned upon at MeasureCamp. Deals will be done and leads generated but sales people should not be chasing this. Instead, the attendees will want to know more about how the products and services can help them in their day to day work. Anyone can run a session that is a product demonstration or a sales pitch. However it is up to the attendees whether they want to sit through this session…

The Rule of Two Feet

MeasureCamp is about the transfer of knowledge. If you find yourself in the wrong session as it is too beginner or too advanced or just not the topic you thought it would be, move to another session. It is up to you to choose just how much value you get out of a MeasureCamp.

Rule of Two Feet

Event Date

MeasureCamp is deliberately held on a non workday.  This is traditionally a Saturday but could be a Sunday.  The reason for this is that every attendee is willing to give up a day of their time and wants to be there, they are not just going along to get a day off work.

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